Thursday, June 13, 2019

Foundations of Criminal Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Foundations of Criminal Law - Assignment ExampleJail for Sainsburys IT boss who stole 17 million Nectar Points. This fictional character talks about James Stevenson who was an IT manager liable of stealing 17 million Necta head words was found guilty and jailed for 20 years. According to the United region Federal Law addressing the concept of theft, it was very full to take that legal action because Mr. Stevenson served the IT society with self-centeredness, where he never minded about the firm or the involved parties. The UK Federal Law clearly states that nobody should serve personal interest or engage in more or less form of corruption when on the job(p) in a public office, company or private sectors. In this case, justice was acquired to the firm and the involved parties because Stevenson deserved the sentence. The court found him guilty of having stolen the IT Companys money by serving his own interest. The legal issue here is that Stevenson had stolen millions of Necta Points that belonged to the Company and the fact that he was jailed served him right. The father of two, of Muswell Hill, north London, confessed employing some of the money to buy ?8, 120 worth of products from the store. However, after calculations were carried out with altogether the evidences analysed keenly, Mr. Stevenson was found guilty and that was a fare judgment particularly when examined from the sentence point of view. The UK Fraud Law was keenly observed and justice done to the firm. The identification of this case by this article is accurate, clear and complete in the sense that it explains all concepts openly and clearly in a way that one can understand well. Policeman stole ?70,000 in banks fraud to fund affair with workfellow officer... but walks free from court (Daily Mail On-Line 22 February 2012) This case involves a police officer who payd an extramarital affair using fraudulently raking in ?70, 000 in bank loans. After the judged heard his cases keenly, he branded him as emotionally fragile and the man just walked free from the court. PC Jamie Hillman who is 37 swindled more than 6 different high street banks, engrossing Northern Rock and Barclays, through application for loans and credit cards (McQueeeney, 2012). According to me, this judgment was wrong in the sense that what Hillman was doing is totally stealing from banks. This is because the legal issue outlined is theft because taking a persons property or item without his or her knowledge is stealing. It does not matter who he served or how he apply the money but the bottom line is that he was stealing. According to the United demesne Fraud law, any form of stealing from a business individual or organization demands that the individual involved be jailed because that is against the law. The fact that Hillman used false claims at the application of these loans including an open lie that he was a sergeant in the Metropolitan Police and even that he was a spend serving in Afghan istan, makes him guilty and he deserved to be jailed (McQueeeney, 2012). Despite the fact that he might have used the money to finance double life, he used a certain portion of it to serve his own interest what makes it clear stealing intentions. Therefore, this judgment was not right because the banks from which he stole never received justice they deserved. The legal issue, which is theft, was not attended to. Moreover, the judge sent him to prison for 12 months if indeed he was

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