Thursday, February 28, 2019

Beckett vs Satre Essay

Samuel Becketts vision of two lowly tramps in the middle of a derelict environment cigarette be position in direct contrast to the confined and eternal nightmare expressed by Jean-Paul Sartre , plainly each tactical manoeuvrewright possessed objectives for their respective auditory senses and each dual-lane a valued opinion on the theories of existentialism which can be established in the functions waiting for Godot and No exhale. Beckett introduces the audience into a cosmos of questioning and surrealist virtues and encourages the spectator to actu every(prenominal)y discuss the play and have the resultant role within.Sartre, however, presents his play as a placard for the virtues of existentialism and attempts to prove that nut house is other people. When being asked roughly the sources for his ideas or advocating him as a pioneer for the family of the Absurd, Becketts replies were a great deal curt or dismissive. The airfield of the Absurd was a term conceived by the critic Martin Esslin to describe the respective(a) playwrights who gave their artistic interpretations believing that homophile existence is futile and without meaning. According to Beckett himself the Theatre of the Absurd was too judgemental, too self-assuredly pessimisticI pack never accepted the notion of a study of the absurd, a concept that implies a judgement of value. Its not even viable to talk about truth. Thats the part of the anguish. Sartre, however made his existential philosopher philosophies quite apparent. With his receive theories he collaborated with the Dadaists and Surrealists after the entropy World War and achieved to pee his take in humanist way of thinking but with a prominent sceptical out way. Sartre quoted preferably proudly Lhomme est condamne a etre librelhomme est liberte. Loosely translated he proclaims that Man is condemned to be freeman is freedom. Sartre firmly rememberd that man is nobody except his life and that consequently he is fully responsible for his achievements. In Sartres existentialist world, man is committed to choose his admit circumstances without the help of whatever religion whether he wants to or not and he made this philosophy apparent in every last(predicate) of his wricks, unlike Beckett who utilise a more(prenominal) cryptic or absurd stance in his plays. With or without the use of absurdist ideals and other systems of the genre Beckett certainly portrayed the human values in his vulcanized fibers and considered the ideas of social conditioning and the existentialist notion of out-and-out(a) freedom.Of all the ideologies written or philosophised over , existentialism seems to lend a lot of its virtues to waiting for Godot. Ronan McDonald argues that absurdity and existence are fundamental to Becketts work There may be more affinity with some(prenominal) other association of existentialism and Becketts beliefs, namely the idea of absurdity, though here (too) caution is advis ed. Without any grounding, without any reason for our being in the world, a certain strand of existentialist thought concludes that life is absurd, disturb and meaningless(prenominal).The absurd, disordered and meaningless which McDonald mentions is evident in the dialogue used in Waiting for Godot. Conversations between the two main characters of Estragon and Vladimir are often erratic and pointless and never seem to resolve at a natural climax. They bounce off each other instigating a pass which is unexpected and prompts an audience to laugh at the scenario with confusing intrigue. The dialogue in No Exit, on the other hand is logical and justified as it relates to the actual eagernesstings and situations of the characters.Becketts erratic streams of consciousness that materializes from his characters sometimes make no sense and compared to the confronting and direct speech in Sartres work, can sometimes be slightly confusing. Sartres characters all have a tooshie story which can be deduced and discovered by the dialogue as opposed to the lack of any character history in Waiting for Godot. The audience can conclude that Estragon, Vladimir and Pozzo, although having divers(prenominal) character traits, are all just waiting for Godot but do not know for how languish or for what reason.Garcin, Estelle, and Inez in No Exit all have different traits, as does Becketts characters, but their characters are shaped from past despairs, grammatical gender or previous happenings in their lives which have evidently placed them in the hellish scenario in which they find themselves. Because of the situation in Sartres play, the audience can relate themselves to the characters on an empathetic level and create stronger opinions and less questionable virtues than that of Becketts enigmatic ternion.The despair and degradation towards many civilians during the Second World War became an established influence in both Sartre and Becketts works during their most prolific p eriod of writing after the conflict. The persecution of the Judaic people by the Nazis occupying Paris and Becketts own(prenominal) actions within the French Resistance seemed to have spawned a firm human bodyula and an underlying subtext within his plays. McDonald makes this apparent when he saysIn his post-war career, though his work became ever less connected to a recognisable world, one could say, paradoxically, that it became more political, more shaped by exploitive part relations, edicts handed rase from above, secrecy and inscrutability and descriptions of human torment. Many of these influences are indisputable in the alliance between Pozzo and Lucky throughout the first act in Waiting for Godot. During bring I of the play the abhorrent abuse Pozzo extends towards Lucky and the dismissive way in which he converses with the two slightly passive tramps creates a clear power divide between the characters.Beckett reverses the divide when in Act II Pozzo finds himself in distress and the power is redirected to the two tramps. As Pozzo is seek helplessly on the floor like an up-ended beetle the two tramps, reminded of the scandalmongering bone they received from him the day before, explain VLADIMIR He wants to get up. tarragonThen let him get up. VLADIMIRHe cant. estragon wherefore not? VLADIMIRI dont know. POZZO writhes, groans, beats the ground with his fists. ESTRAGONWe should ask him for the bone first. Then if he refuses well leave him there. VLADIMIRYou mean we have him at our mercy?By using Pozzo as the one in need and the two tramps as the ones who can help, Beckett creates a pessimistic vision of human needs in a lusciously black pratfall. McDonald agrees when he says Becketts work is notorious for its exquisite preoccupation with pessimism and human suffering, notwithstanding its bleak beauty and darkly venereal disease seeddy. Power and conflict can be found aplenty in Sartres hellish hotel room as all three characters seem to fin d themselves guilty of contraventions which have rendered them no better or worse for scruples in the affections of the audience.Whereas Estragon and Vladimir use repetition and slapstick to form the basis of comic moments, Sartres characters use no such implements and curb the play solemn throughout. Garcin is the forlorn sadist, Estelle shrugs off her murderous past by being the conceited love-starved damsel and Inez stalks the room as the inert lesbian. each(prenominal) character submits their own tales of woe and it is evident that none of them has the patience or understanding to cope with the others because as soon as a connect occurs between two characters, the third intervenes.Having one man and two women in the room (one of them being a lesbian with a keen eye on the other) sexual frustrations boil over to create various power struggles and on with the inept attempts to befriend or belittle and vexed attitudes on their morbid incarceration, the atmosphere becomes a te nse hot-bed of conflict with each character in turn venting their grievance towards other. In Frederick Lumleys vernal Trends In twentieth Century Drama, he states No love is possible in the presence of the third, no end is possible since the three mustiness be together for eternity , neither the knife, poison, rope can enable them to escape this fact.With this fact constantly put forward by Sartre the trios future looks bleakly endless and this inevitable outcome contributes to the machinate in tension and conflict. Lumley continues The play presents an endless repetition, a study in monotony which, far from being monotonous, is in fact intensely salient and most seducing. Becketts characters in Waiting for Godot all have their own motives and opinions but all seem to be quashed by the ever present threat of Godot appearing. The characters vivid streams of consciousness and erratic conversations take the audience along a confusing and often pointlessnarrative but Beckett seems to zest this as it makes the spectator question the morals and whole raison detre for the gentlemans gentleman. Is Godot some sort of religious deity? Are the characters dead and living a life in endless purgatory? Is the story a tale of kinsfolk and the power struggle that ensues from it? Becketts aims can be discussed and divulged for years to come and I believe that there is no one conclusive answer, but Eric P. Levy sums up his plays excellently when he says Beckett explores human experience as he finds it today denied any explanations but desperately needing them. I believe this to be the perfect description of what Becketts aims were for the audience being denied any explanation from Beckett himself and desperately wanting to know who or what Godot is. In unfinished contrast to Becketts surreal settings and arbitrary dialogue, Jean-Paul Sartre holds no blows when delivering his existentialist piece No Exit. The set itself is more representative of the hellish circumstance s in which he has placed his characters as opposed to the stark emptiness of Becketts setting.The setting is just one room with no windows so characters and spectators homogeneous have no sense of what time of day it is and a claustrophobic awareness is supported further by keeping the whole play within one act. In Waiting for Godot we observe all of the action in a sparse wilderness with just one solitudinarian foliage-free tree as a visual representation of the outside world. The solely hint of time passing is when the characters mention the previous days events or when the tree shows a mere sprouting of greenery in the due south act of the piece.Along with the scenery the title of the play, No Exit, precedes dialogue and induces free rein by giving a sense of inescapability and hopeless struggle to the play. Frederick Lumley describes the set beautifully in saying with its barren walls, its bricked up windows excluding daylight so that night and day are alike, the space where a mirror once hung (for in eternity one must look at others, not oneself anymore), is all part of a masochistic nightmare where continuity becomes an endless symphony of torture worse than any physiological torture.With these points in mind it is evident that Sartre relied more on the situation in which his characters were based rather than the frivolities of Becketts characters and his absurdist approach. Although Beckett and Sartre shared the same philosophical outlooks on existentialism and the nature of human behaviour, Sartre used the airfield as his soap-box to create and present his philosophical views and tended to show the drama in the situation rather than the character based approach which Beckett utilized in most of his plays.Sartre himself states As a successor to the theatre of characters we want to have a theatre of situation. The people in our plays will be distinct from one another not as a coward is from a miser or a miser from a brave man, but rather as actions are divergent or clashing, as right may conflict with right. Sartre uses the situation in No Exit to create the dramatic conflict and tense atmosphere whereas Beckett uses the theatre of absurdity with sparse and stunning dialogue to create some form of dramatic tension in Waiting for Godot.Conclusively this makes Becketts play very much more ambiguous compared to the out and out existentialist views portrayed in No Exit. The characters in Sartres piece all seem familiar to an audience who after witnessing the play have no quandary in deciding where the play leads or where it leads from and the content from its start to its twisted and violent conclusion definitely advocates Sartres theory Hell is other people. Waiting for Godot, however, leaves the audience perplexed at the outcome and offers various questions as to the origin of its characters along with their motivations and terrestrial existence. With the erratic lines of action and the surreal and often pointless conversation , the audience can derive that the whole point of Waiting for Godot is there is no point. only when is this correct? Only Samuel Beckett could have revealed that answer. Bibliography Beckett. S. Waiting For Godot. Chatham Faber & Faber. 2006 ed. Sartre. J.P No Exit and three other plays. Vintage International. 1996 ed. McDonald. R. The Cambridge Introduction to Samuel Beckett. Cambridge CUP. 2006. Levy. E. P. Beckett And The Voice Of The Species. Dublin Macmillan. 1980 Knowlson. J & McMillan (eds. ) The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett, vol I Waiting for Godot. London Faber & Faber, 1994. Unwin. S & Woddis. C. A take Guide To twentieth Century Drama. London Faber & Faber. 2001. Lumley. F. New Trends In 20th Century Drama. London Barrie & Jenkins Ltd. 1972 ed. References Styan. J.L Modern Drama in possibility and Practice2 (Symbolism, Surrealism and the Absurd) Cambridge CUP 1998 Lenny Love 2007 2 . Knowlson, Damned to Fame, p. 178. 3 . New Trends In 20th Century Drama, Ch 10 p139 4 . Cambridge Intro to S. Beckett 5 . Cambridge Intro to S. Beckett Ch2, p22 6 . Cambridge Intro to S. Beckett ch2, p23 7 . Levy. E. P. Beckett & the Voice of Species. p. 3. 8 . New Trends In 20th Century Drama. Ch10, p150 9 . New Trends in 20th Century Drama. Ch10, p141.

The Controversies in Home Schooling Education

Public take aiming has been the predominate variation of training in the United States for many decades however, recent statistics demonstrate a skip in the number of root word schooling participants. On the new(prenominal) hand, the legal age of these participants eventually return to creation school systems once they reach the full(prenominal) school level. The reasons for this movement are based on the opportunities for fondization and pedantic competition provided by everyday schools.Public facts of life also provides high-performance classroom interaction directed by a to a greater extent capable faculty. Although dwelling house schooling has become an appealing educational alternative, worldly concern schools slip away to provide better opportunities resulting in a more well go citizen. Despite the increasing number of family schooled educatees due to overprotective parents, man schools continue to mountain pass the best form of education in our inelega nt today. To begin, everyday schools provide a more satisfactory and effective form of education.In menage schooling, no competition is attainable to push the s have gotr to acquire a higher level of education however, public schools offer a sophisticated classroom setting in which the students are eer competing with each other. more of the children accompanying public school rifle fractious to earn the most efficient regularize in the classroom, but a child learning at dwelling house probably go out not care for his or her grade. What parent would give a low grade or even fail their child? Every parent feels that his or her student must obtain the most adequate grade.Next, in public school, a student can receive help from several distinguishable people within a classroom. To explain, wiz may ask other student or the teacher for assistance on an assignment (Hawkins 57). such a variety of help is not attainable in the unsociable stand schooling society. Another vita l reasonon for a child to go to public school rather than home school would be that of the childs vista on society.William Martin, Director of communications for the National Education Association, the nations largest teachers union explains If, say, a fifth-grader goes through a book at an accelerated pace, Its good for him to natter other kids who struggle with the same material, so when he goes into the work force, he will know that not everyone learns at the same pace, (Hawkins 58). Furthermore, a student that is taught at home by parents will grow up playacting and thinking the same as the parents do. It is important for a child to acknowledge his or her own personality with their own visions and outlooks, not good mimicker that of their parents. Public schools offer a plethora of different opinions and views concerning world issues and people.A child that on a lower floorstands that everyone thinks differently is a child who will succeed in the real world. Along with th ese ideas, one more plausible reason is public schools help to provide for a more well rounded citizen. Many participants in the public/home school controversy argue whether or not home schooling impedes the training of social skills in a student. In a survey of 115 educators, more than 80 part believed home schoolers were at a dis utility in the social development of the child, (Hawkins 57).Activities may be available to home schoolers, such as perform activities, sports leagues, and scouting however, home schooling deprives the child of important social experiences. These social experiences create an inspirational part in a students life. Public schoolers have this chance with the involvement of school sports, clubs, dances, and other social activities. With out these didactical experiences, a student could result in a socially untried young with child(p). Along with social skills comes the topic of friends or acquaintances.The majority of children under the age of 18 rely o n school as the immemorial source of social interaction. Friends are easily made at public school because of the many opportunities to interact with other students in class, on the bus, or at school functions. Being home schooled until third grade, it was hard for me to stimulate friends at a young age. The other children that lived on my street would oft poke fun at and would not play with me. They did not get word why every morning when left for school I would just be waking up or why when they would return home from school I was in the front yard playing with my dog. oneness of the little boys who lived at the end of my street thought that it was cool my momma was my teacher, but most of the others child were still cruel to me. Later when did attend public school for the first conviction, I remember being so nervous and shy. Bathroom breaks, raising your hand to speak, and walking in a line, all seemed foreign to me. My mom had not covered all the forward-looking rules and regulations that accompanied public school. It took a time to get used to. eon I did enjoy getting to sleep in and work at my own pace, home school was an experience I will neer force on my own children.In another instance, dividing lines arise over the consequences once home schoolers reach the adult working level. Gary Marx, senior unite executive director at the American Association of School Administrators, comments that while the parents may seem to be saving their children from confronting diversity in thinking, race, stinting status and social skills, in the long run, these young people will still have to go into the world. And these kids later will feel deprived, (Hawkins 58). In the real world, business people need the skills to work well with others.deprived home schoolers will dumbfound it backbreaking to interact in the work place because of their lack of contact with other children during their previous years. These students will find that adapting to a more soc ial atmosphere is difficult at an adult level. In one instance, a girl, Teren Williams, was searching for a job. The job for which Teren utilise almost did not hire her because they felt that her home school education would cause her social skills to not be strong enough, (Kennedy 50).Teren shows only one example of difficulty faced by home schoolers. Many other instances occur where they overcome problems due to their social standings. A controversial argument has also occurred over the issue of UIL activities in public schools. Many home schoolers, to help advance their social skills, want to participate in these activities. The touch on parents of these students feel that because they pay school taxes, their children have the right to participate in UIL extracurricular activities.However, many public schoolers feel that giving home school students UIL rights would be unethical. Allowing home schoolers to be involved in a public schools UIL program would cause a school district to lose coin in the long run. Also, a concern that affects public schoolers involves the no-pass, no-play rules. Grades are truly not determined at the home school level therefore, distinguishing a passing or failing home-schooled student would produce a difficult task for a parent.Another reason that home schoolers should not be allowed to participate involves the fact that they do not have the competitive advantage that a public school student is subject to. Through the opportunity of being in school and training at the same time for that UIL activity, public schoolers can create a stronger UIL organization than if a home school student just came to play. For these reasons, most states resist the idea of home schoolers taking courses or participating in extracurricular activities at a public school (Hawkins 58).Many believe that the involvement process for home schoolers would cheat the public school students who actually work hard to achieve their goals in a more social setting . Even though home school is on the rise, public school still provides a more adequate form of education. More over public education advances the ideals of and keep the democracy in the youth as it equalizes the opportunities among the different races and classes. In cobblers last public school offers an effective form of education that produces well-rounded individuals restless to enter the world.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Age of Extremes Essay

The twentieth century was rich in events and outstanding individualizedities. In his book ripen of Extremes, Eric Hobsbawm provides an extensive review of what happened during the 20th hundred and the conflict of those events on man development. According to Hobsbawm, the Twentieth Century was both the long period of Catastrophe and the magazine of the extraordinary economic growth a analyzable sandwich of events and developments that changed the human society more profoundly than any separate period of comparable brevity (Hobsbawm, 1995).In the first two chapters of Age of Extremes, Eric Hobsbawm (1995) tries to evaluate the social and historic legacy of the Twentieth Century and creates a brief picture of the events and accomplishments that took place between 1914 and 1991. The author is confident that human society cannot distance itself from the events of the then(prenominal), because everyone on the globe, disregardless of their life history and personal background, went through more or less similar central experiences that impact them all (Hobsbawm, 1995).Hobsbawm (1995) traces the evolution of the Twentieth Century from the First World war, which attach the breakdown of the western finish of the nineteenth century (p. 6). The western civilization was characterized by capitalist economy, liberal constitutional structure, bourgeois image of the hegemonic class, and the halo of scientific, educational, technological, knowledge, and moral advance (Hobsbawm, 1995).The decades following the beginning of the First World War were the Age of Catastrophe until the end of WWII, the society stumbled from one calamity to some other and lived at the edge of survival (Hobsbawm, 1995). The failure of the major colonial empires and the economic crisis of unprecedented depth added their share of complexity to the state of world affairs (Hobsbawm, 1995). Hobsbawm (1995) believes that the victory of the Soviet Union over Hitler was one of the most conseq uential events of the Twentieth Century.Without it, the whole Western world could have turned into delimitate of variations on fascist themes (Hobsbawm, 1995). The rise of the socialist movements was the direct result of the weaknesses in the nineteenth-century bourgeois society (Hobsbawm, 1995). How and why the world threw itself into the sumptuous Age of capitalist economy between 1947 and 1973 remains one of basic historical puzzles but the Golden Age could not be endless and the global crisis that followed affected all, irrespective of their political, social, and economic configurations (Hobsbawm, 1995).The economic crisis gradually ext finish to cover political issues the analyze of the Soviet Union produced an enormous zone of political uncertainty and ruined the stable system of international relations (Hobsbawm, 1995). The economic and political uncertainties were followed by the moral and social crisis the crisis of beliefs, which humans had used over the course of th e Twentieth Century to win their battle over the nineteenth centurys ideology (Hobsbawm, 1995).The century that had begun with unbelievable optimism and faith in the succeeding(a) ended with a bang and a whimper, leaving the society in the middle of the moral, social, economic, and mental collapse (Hobsbawm, 1995). In Hobsbawms (1995) view, the Twentieth Century was the time of unprecedented achievements and dramatic failures. The cyclical nature of evolution resulted in regular instability and profound economic, social, and political shifts.For many countries, the Twentieth Century became the time of remarkable changes and the beginning of the new era of uncertainty and chaos. Whether countries succeed in resolving the existing controversies depends on how well they can learn the lessons of the past and use sagely the historical, political, and moral legacy of the stormy Twentieth Century. culmination The Twentieth Century was the time of unprecedented achievements and failure s. The capitalization of the word cabal Twentieth Century by Hobsbawm (1995) is not accidental.The author feels that the Twentieth Century reflected a unique paradox the triumph of the material values and their imperious rejection at the end of the era. The century that had begun with unbelievable optimism and faith in the future ended with the deep crisis of the moral and mental ideologies, leaving humanity in the midst of the social, economic, cultural, and moral collapse. Whether countries succeed in resolving the existing controversies depends on how well people can learn from the past and use wisely the historical, political, and moral legacy of the stormy Twentieth Century.

Hoover vs FDR

The extensive clinical depression caused hardship for almost everyone in America. Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert hoover were devil presidents during this era with two very different approaches on how to deal with It. Roosevelt Is broadly thought of as a handsome, while Hoover Is considered a conservative. A heavy(a) Is generally someone who pushes for direct organisation involvement In citizens lives, while a conservative typically pushes for limited political relation.Roosevelt did indeed have a more(prenominal) liberal approach, putting mammoth sums of money into relief programs directly for the batch Hoover was conservative in his approach?he claimed it was the Job of churches and underground charities to provide relief, however became less conservative towards the end of his bourne. Hoover was in particular conservative for the beginning of his term. He showed limited government involvement by means of very limited exp cease. In 1929, the first year of Hovers ter m, the government expenditures were single $3. 27 billion, barely rising 1933, however, spending Increased to $4. 659 billion and $4,598 billion, separately Doc F), showing that his conservatism decreased a bit. The deficit even so remained extremely low, showing Hovers unwillingness to be too Involved In recovering the economy, but rather allowing the private factor to grow. Hoover alike contributeed on limiting government by literally limiting government?by not increasing control or spreading bureaucratism. He said that Liberalism, should not be found striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set bounds to it (Doc A).He showed his conservative values by criticizing a large government. He also left the charity work to private charities and churches, saying that economic depression cannot be curbed by legislative action or executive pronouncement (Doc 8). Later in his term Hoover became slightly more liberal in his approaches to ending the Great depressive disorder. The fe deral expenditure Increased from $3. 127 billion In 1929 to $4. 659 billion In 1932 (Doc F). He started helping the people more directly by creating gigantic government sponsored projects which created Jobs. These Include the Hoover Dam.Hoover also hectically increased the surface of government, passing more legislation and creating more bureaucracy. Under him later in his term, farmers were lent money to buy and sell agricultural goods and were helped through cooperatives. such spending and loaning is very liberal. Hoover wanted to rehabilitate agribusiness through large appropriations for loans (Doc D). Document C depicts Hoover as no longer caring about being seen as conservative, rather save the poor by spending government money. Roosevelt, unlike Hoover, was a liberal president from the beginning to the ND of his term.He stated himself that Liberalism becomes the protection for the far-sighted conservative (Doc G). This not only promotes liberalism, but attacks conservatism . Franklin Roosevelt liberalism Is most clearly seen through the federal spending under him. During his term, annual government expenditures rose from government spending more to end the depression. Roosevelt also, as Hoover did legislation and increasing bureaucracy. The legislation include the Works Progress Administration. The WAP cost $1 1. 4 billion and utilize a huge portion of the workforce.He also passed the Agricultural Adjustment work out to stabilize the farm industry by decreasing the surplus created by farms. FDA can be characterized as liberal due to his extensive spending, loans, and government intervention. While FDA is most commonly known as a liberal and Herbert Hoover is most commonly known as a conservative, Hoover became more liberal in his approach to ending the Great Depression toward the end of his term. Although Hoover played a part in ending the Great Depression, it really took Fads extreme liberalism to completely recover Americas economy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Leadership Approach Paper Essay

Organizational carriage comes into play to aid management in enhancing their fellow feeling of human behavior within organizations to better communicate, allocate resources, delegate tasks, plan, organize, direct, and reserve work activities. The main purpose of understanding organizational behavior is to gain lead trenchantness, motivate workers, and inspire them to work toward a common objective. Although there atomic number 18 many leadinghip approaches, we leave alone focus on the situational leadinghip approach.We exit analyze the purpose, strengths and weaknesses of the situational attractership approach, and bear an example of how it can be utilise to real situations. Situational Leadership Approach As it name suggests, the situational leadership approach states that leaders should use different approaches as situations change. In short, leaders should be tensile, embrace change as it comes, and be capable of line uping to it. The situational leadership appr oach is a model that was developed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey in 1972.The theory states that leaders should check out their leadership style to the maturity of followers and to the specific tasks on hand (Lerstrom, 2008). As great deal within organizations withdraw more experience and become more knowledgeable about their hire out, leaders pass on need to adjust new leadership styles to keep these people motivated. correspond to May (2013) the core concept of the situational leadership approach is that one size does not fit all.The best leaders are not only those who have a vision, but the most undefeated leaders are the ones who are able to change their leadership styles crosswise a broad range of varying maturity levels readily ease up within the average organization (May, 2013). Moreover, using the situational leadership approach suggests that leaders use a mix of other leadership approaches to be effective. According to Phatak (2012), The philosophy of a l eader should be flexible enough to adapt to situations and ever-changing times.We need a mixture of transactional and transformational leadership techniques to get the job done. The basic idea behind this theory is that one must adapt strategy with changing conditions. Strengths As mentioned earlier, situational leadership allows for more flexibility. As the man evolves, organizations have to make adjustments to survive. Tomasco (2013) states that with the situational leadership approach, leaders get the opportunity to adapt their leadership style to their followers needs.Consequently, as leaders effectively match their leadership style to situations and followers needs, work activities will run smoothly, interactions will be more successful, relationships will be built up, and followers will achieve optimum performance. Weaknesses Although the situational leadership approach appears to be the best naturally of action due to its flexibility, it has weaknesses that one cannot igno re. Phatak (2012) explains that incessantly changing strategies with time, a leader will find it difficult to implement new strategies on the go.A long term vision may elude him due to constant changes. Further, Wile (2013) identifies four weaknesses of the situational leadership approach which are confusion, leadership or management, outside factors, and perception. Indeed, followers may become confused as leaders change a newly implemented leadership strategy as a result of changing conditions. The situational leadership approach is often misconstrued with a management strategy to lead employees to achieve better outcomes.One cannot play down the impact external factors have on organizations and organizational behavior. Leaders should found their ability to understand the organizations external environment and to quantify followers behavior to implement a leadership approach that will work. Finally, people within organizations have different perceptions and react differently in similar situations. Hence, the situational leadership approach may not give finished predictions of followers behavior.Situational Leadership Approach in Real Life Alan Lerstrom from Luther College did a case sphere using the situational leadership approach in which he demonstrated how academic advisors can alter their leadership style base on students maturity as they advance higher in their studies. Lerstrom applied the Hersey and Blanchards model of situational leadership in the case study. The model suggests that effective leaders will adjust their leadership styles in accordance with changing situations and followers maturity.According to Lerstrom (2008), Jay, the student in the case study began viewing signs of maturity as he better understood the major he wanted to pursue and classes he needed to enroll in. Also, Jay became more confident about his abilities, understood the requirements associated with his major, and was more willing to communicate with the advisor. S ituational leadership provide theoretical and practical tools that help advisors in understanding changes in the ardor levels of their students, and it suggests patterns for relating to students (Lerstrom, 2008, p. 7). ConclusionSituational leadership is the approach that states that leaders must be flexible enough to adapt their leadership styles to changing situations, to specific tasks, and to organizational behavior. This study showed that although the situational leadership approach yields positive outcomes it has weaknesses. Thus, it is important to leverage the strengths of the approach to allay its weaknesses. For increased effectiveness, leaders will need to use organizational behavior research methods to better understand the situations at hand, their followers perceptions, and the organizations internal and external environments.This method will provide guidance in applying the appropriate leadership style. References Lerstrom, A. C. Advising Jay A Case Study Using a S ituational Leadership Approach. NACADA Journal Fall2008, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p21-27, 7p May, R. (2013). Basics of the Situational Leadership Model. Retrieved from http//www. businessdictionary. com/ article/724/basics-of-the-situational-leade rship-model/ Phatak, O. (June 20, 2012). Pros and Cons of Leadership Theories.

James Bond

Hello Sandeep, down in the m step to the foreh I couldnt make it there yesterday, but I was not feel well. For Monday read role looseness 2 of Othello resolving the study questions for crook 1 (they start with 11, I dont contend why ) Well look at the action 2 questions during class Art draw 2 faces following the instructions on this webpage http//www. wikihow. com/Draw-a-Face its a lot like the other website, but similarly a little different, so youll get both(prenominal) different ideas on how to do this. STUDY QUESTIONS FOR OTHELLO Act I, eyeshot1 11. In Act I, scene 1 why does Iago say he hates Othello?What be totally(a) the charges he makes against the everyday? 12. wherefore does Roderigo hate Othello? 13. Why is the dialect by Iago, roots 38 62, fundamental in explaining what happens afterward? 14. Why should Roderigo pay specific attention to Iagos speech? 15. In Act I, scene 1, what is Iagos master plot to annoy Othello and Desdamona? 16. amaze all the examples in I, 1, of Iago referring to the sex in terms of animals. 17. Find all the references in I, 1 of Othello as a devil. Find Iagos use of verboten nomenclature. 18. beg off the contrast in the way Iago speaks to Brabantio and the way Roderigo speaks to him. 19.How does Brabantios attitude toward Roderigo agitate in the course of this scene? 20. What is Brabantios explanation of why his daughter has glide by off with Othello? 21. Why does this scene begin in the middle of a conversation? Act I, Scene 2 22. Who does Iago regularize Othello badmouthed him to Brabantio? 23. Everyone says Othello is lucky to unite the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. Why is he not impress? 24. excuse what happens surrounded by Iago and Cassio in the short time Othello is off steer in the Sagittary ( bloodlines 47 52) 25. List all of the negative comments or words Brabantio uses to describe Othello. 6. How does Othello react to the provocation of Brabantios attack? 27. Find five places in I, 2 where Othello exercises authority. Act I, Scene 3 28. At the beginning of I, 3 what do the duke and the council of Venice determine the Turks military objective to be? How does this relate to what happens later? 29. What is effective in Othellos first speech of apology (lines 76 94)? 30. let off how the relationship between Othello and Desdamona began. Who first initiated the idea of venerate? 31. How do we know Othellos second speech of justification (lines 127 169) was effective? 32.What makes the second speech of justification effective as a piece of language? 33. Why is Desdamonas repartee to her fathers question at lines 176 178 especially effective? 34. In this scene what does Desdamona tell us attracted her to Othello? What attracted her to him? 35. How does Desdamona argue that she should be allowed to accomp whatsoever her husband to Cyprus? 36. What assurances does Othello offer the Council that he will crawfish out c atomic number 18 of bus iness, even if his wife is with him? 37. develop Iagos allegory of the garden (lines 314 327). 38. Find all Iagos uses of the word love in this scene.Whats unusual nigh them? 39. How does Iago fake Roderigo in the lines 329 370? 40. What is the real reason Iago hates Othello? 41. Why is Cassio a particularly handy scapegoat for Iagos plot? Act II, Scene 1 42. Describe how Cassio acts when he lands at Cyprus, especially when Desdemona incurs ashore. (II, 1, lines 42 97) 43. Why does Iago verbally attack his wife at II, 1, lines 99 110? 44. According to Iago what is all the most accomplished woman in the world is good for? (II, 1, lines 146 158) 45. beg off what Iago is talking about at II, 1, lines 165 175. 6. How does Iago convince Roderigo that Cassio is in love with Desdemona? (II, 1, ines 215 245) 47. What is ironic about Roderigos response to this news at II, 1, lines 248 249? 48. In Act I, 3 we hear how Othellos life story helped win the love of Desdemona. In Act II, 1, lines 220 225 we learn Iagos response to the same story. What? 49. What has miscellanyd since I, 3, in Iagos explanation on why he wants revenge on Othello and others? (II, 1, lines 285 311) Why has it changed? Act II, Scene 2 50. In II, 2, lines 12 29, what is Iago trying to get Cassio to do? Why? 51.How does Iagos psycheality change from the way hes be perplexd in the past? Why the change? 52. What is unattractive about Cassios behavior as a drunk? 53. How does Iago cook the gentlemen of Cyprus to object to Cassios behavior? 54. Look at II, 2, lines 177 182. Why did Iago use those particular words? 55. What new aspect of Othellos personality do we see in II, 2, lines 201 215? 56. Describe how Iago, while apparently defending his friend Cassio actually encourages Othello to take action against him? (II, 2, lines 218 244) 57. Explain why Cassio reacts as he does at II, 2, lines 260 263? 8. Explain why Iagos advice at II, 2, 264 325 is a perfectly natural response? 59. In Iagos explanation of his revenge plot at II, 2, lines 333 359 are there any new motives for his behavior? Act III, Scene 3 60. Is Desdemonas statement at III, 3, lines 20 27 surprising? How will it affect the outcome of the play? 61. Why does Desdemona push so hard for Cassio to get his job binding? 62. Explain the public life at III, 1, lines 75 85. In what way are Othello and his wife operating at crossed purposes? 63. How does Iago manipulate Othello in the passage from line 93 123? 64.How many times does Othello demand to know Iagos thoughts (or some variation on that theme) in the passage of III, 3, lines 93 164? Why doesnt Iago answer him? 65. How does Iago manipulate Othello in the passage from line 124 176? (Where is the first mention of cuckoldry in this scene? 66. How does Othello appear to escape Iagos trap in the passage lines 176 192? 67. How does Iago manipulate Othello in lines 193 213? Why does Othello fall for the manipulation? 68. How does Iago man ipulate Othello in lines 214 241? 69. At what point in the play does Iago know for sure that hes hooked Othello? 0. What are the reasons Othello believes Desdemona may have betrayed him? What does he decide to do about the betrayal? 71. Why does genus Emilia take Desdemonas hanky? What does that tell us about the relationship between Iago and his wife? 72. Why is Iago upset at Othellos reaction at lines 335 370? 73. How does Iago manipulate Othello at lines 371 423? 74. How does Iago manipulate Othello at lines 424 476? 75. In the epoch at III, 3, lines 330 370 how has Othellos attitude changed since we saw him last? 76. Explain why Othello threatens Iago at III, 3, lines 355 379.How do you think Iago feels when he is threatened with violence? 77. Where did Iagos dream (III, 3, lines 407 423) come from? Why did Iago select the particular details that he chose? 78. How does the relationship between Iago and Othello change in the last 30 lines of the scene? How does Shakespear e physically show the shift in power? 79. What do you think may have been going through Iagos mind when he says, at line 472, just now let her live? Act III, Scene 4 80. In Act III, 4, line 34, what does Othello mean by, O, hardness to dissemble ? 81. How does Emilia explain Othellos petulance over the missing handkerchief?How effective a liar is Desdemona? 82. Is Othellos handkerchief really magic? Argue both yes and no. 83. How does Iago control the communication theory between Othello and all the other characters? Why does Desdemona excuse her husbands anger? 84. Who is Bianca and whats her bother? What similarities does she have with Othello? Act IV, Scene 1 85. In the first 30 lines of IV, 1, how has the relationship between Iago and Othello changed since III, 3? 86. Why does Othello lose consciousness at IV, 1, lines 35 44? How does Iago explain what happened? Why? 87.Explain how Iago stages the dual, simultaneous manipulation of Cassio and Othello at IV, 1, lines 95 14 4. 88. Do you think Iago anticipated Biancas appearance at line 145? How is he able to use her arrival to further his legerdemain? 89. Whats different about Othellos attitude toward Desdemona lines 178 210? What causes this change? 90. Explain what is happening in the sequence at IV, 1, lines 218 261? Why goats and monkeys 91. How does Iago manipulate Lodovico in the last 20 lines of IV, 1? Act IV, Scene 2 92. What does Othello mean when he addresses Emilia at IV, 2, lines 27 30? 93.According to Othello whats the worst part of being a cuckold? 94. Where in Act IV, 2, does Desdemona finally start to fight bandaging? Explain her physical reaction right after Othello leaves at line 92. 95. Where in this scene does Emilia almost figure out what happened? Explain her husbands reaction to her speculations. 96. Who is the first person in the play to figure out Iagos duplicity? How is Iago able to manipulate this person, even after the truth is cognise? Act IV, Scene 3 97. What is th e point of Act IV, 3? 98. Explain the difference between Desdemonas and Emilias attitudes toward adultery. 9. Explain exactly how Iago manipulates every single person who appears in this scene. 100. Explain the significance of Iagos lines at IV, 3, lines 18 20. 101. Why does Iago load Bianca of complicity in the attack on Cassio? How is he able to make the subject against her? Act V, Scenes 1 & 2 102. Contrast V, 1 and V, 2 in terms of characters motivations, actions, pace of the events, moral significance of the actions, etc. 103. Based on your sense of Act V, scene 2 (what happens and why it happens) argue that Iago wins the date for Othellos soul. Then argue that Othello wins the battle.

Effects of Social Media on testing ability

As a society we atomic number 18 invariably connected to the world much or slight us. The accurate description Is explained best by Boyd and Allyson. 2007 SONS or affectionate Ne 2rking System Is a web-based service that altogetherows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, check forth a rock of other applyrs with whom they sh ar a connection, and view and transom their list of connections and those do by others within the system. This system or bundle is made up of all complaisant networking places some of which argon Face fit, Mainstream, Twitter, Tumbler, Snatch, and the list goes on. It Is clear that we live In a world whither we hold back approach to any piece of reading at any given mea true during the mean solar sidereal day. With this apprehend of technology It Is becoming harder and harder for us to disconnect from the world around us. thither is very little chance to decompress throw off addition by not on ly our computers, tho to a fault our ph wholenesss now have APS that allows us to connect to kindly media at any given meter of the day or darkness.The psyche is does this continual access of information and constant staying on kind media affect our performance as disciples? Prospectus The higher(prenominal) Education Research Institute in 2007 reported that ninety four per centum of first year college students use hearty networking websites. In 2005 investigate by Macrobiotics and kepi divulgeed, Eighty five percent of students at a large investigate university had accounts on Faceable, the most popular accessible networking site. This leads us to the question does this focusing of revolving around sociable media imp put to work our daily lives and the way we consumption?The National Sleep Foundation engageed a be to reveal if there was a correlation coefficient between long hours of affectionate media use and if it affected snooze habits along with performanc e levels. To be able to function properly one(a)s repose is Just as viable as the rouseonic progeny such as food and water. Before the big boom of technology humans lived much simpler lives. For example, before the invention of computers, cellophanes, and even push back vehicles plenty had a to a greater extent organic and natural way of action. then far the food they put into their bodies was untarnished by chemicals.Technology is in leaned to make ones purport better however like many things that atomic number 18 used in excess it becomes unhealthy. When these forms of social media affect our respite regular recurrence we maybe traffic with an addiction that moldiness be managed. Lead looker Diana Tamari of a new-fangled Harvard acquire told the Los Angles Times, l think the contemp posthumous swear outs to explain wherefore people utilize social media websites so often. I think it helps explain why Twitter exists and why Faceable is so popular, because peopl e enjoy sharing information about from each one other (Nature,2012). Diana Tamari was involved in a depicted object conducted by Harvard University, which sought the answers to why social media was so addictive. The answer to their question turned out to be very a simple one. volume atomic number 18 addicted to talking about their problems. They found in researching That the act of disclosing information about oneself activates the like get of the mastermind that is associated with the sensation of pleasure, the aforesaid(prenominal)(p) pleasure that we get from eating food or getting notes (Nature, 2012). I say all of this to lead to the main point of our experience research social media is addictive. When social media becomes a problem and affects our canonic involve such as log Zsing patterns the problem flows everywhere into our daily lives. To patently state it our performance levels volition decrease. In a get a line through with(p) by Christina J. Calamari, PhD, Thornton B. A. Mason, MD, PhD, MACE, Sarah J. Radcliff, PhD. , Teenagers getting 8 to 10 hours of quiet on discipline nights tended to have 1. to 2-fold displace multitasking indices compared with those getting slight slumber.Thirty-three percent of the teenagers reported dropping asleep during school. Research is proving that social media is unhealthy. This problem did not escalate readily overnight, but has been s escapely evolving monster that has grown into a problem that must be dealt with. Kirsches and Sharkskin (2010, p. 1238) claim that Students tend to participate in such website activities while doing their prep so that it may have negative effect on their academician achievements by interrupting them from the schooling process.Therefore, between SONS usage and student academic performance shown at schools and universities. Many doctors, websites, self-help books, etc. Tell us that social media is a huge leader in sleep loss, however in Sleep Cares articl e on social media and sleep they write that they deliberate social media can cause individuals to get more, effective sleep. Faceable has over 1 billion users worldwide while Twitter had over 500 zillion last year and is quickly growing every day(Sleepwear, 2014).This goes without saying that a big chunk of the world is connected to one social media site or another. In order to be engaged in a social media site, one must follow or like another. They continue with, Social media enables an individual to feel supported from individuals closely tied to their lives and from friends and family afar (Sleepwear,2014). By connecting with people who share similar interests and opinions a person who actively utilizes social media finds oneself in an overall better state of mind.This relates directly to better sleep because having a peaceful mind when lying heap to go to manage is essential in a good nights sleep. In 2010 media headlines read child Friends Can Make You Fat. Reading these headlines, researchers at US San Diego and Harvard studied the correlation between social networks, sleep patterns and medicine usage, after much research and hours of examination they discovered, The use of social networks by adolescents influences sleep patterns, sleep expiration, and drug use (Beers 2010). Why is the sleep cycle per second important?What occurs during the sleep cycle that is so valuable to the human body? Stage 1 is the radical of the sleep cycle, and is a relatively light stage of sleep in which the brain produces high amplitude theta waves, which are very slow brain waves. Stage 2 is the second stage of sleep and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. The brain begins to produce bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity know as sleep spindles. This stage was previously divided into stages three and four. Deep, slow brain waves know as delta waves. nigh dreaming occurs during the fourth stage of sleep, known as rapid eye movement (ERM) sleep (Cherry, 2011) These stages of sleep are very valuable for the wellbeing of humans. These processes allow us to recuperate from the day and heal. The body can physically heal itself by resting. The same judgment applies to the mind. Once the technology is finally set aside most recent adults only receive approximately five hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivation is the reason why in this day and age there are more mishaps and slip-ups than ever before.With the lack of sleep ones comprehension skills are badly lacking. When it is judgment of conviction to sleep individuals around the world grab their phones. Peg Fitzpatrick surveyed 1,000 online individuals thus finding, Our Faceable and Twitter activities continue even after weve hit the hay, with forty-eight percent of respondents checking in on activity when they wake p in the pose of the night or as soon as they wake up in the morning (Fitzpatrick 2011). In her online blob, Peg Fitzpatrick asked many friends about how social media affe cts their sleeps habits.Sadly, many of her friends responded with low affects because they have -in few intelligences?grown tolerant to social media. They check their social media sites every night in the same amount of time so their body is used to getting that same amount of sleep. Social media has affected these friends sleep habits. They have been a part of the world of social media so long that their body has accepted it as a part of the daily routine. With easy access to sites responsibility to chamber may result in sleep loss, delays in initiating sleep, daytime sleepiness and more, says researcher Teresa Roar.Those who said they usually connected to friends online before getting into fill in reported sleeping an average of 8 hours and 10 minutes a night compared with 9 hours and 2 minutes among those who never connected (Thomson & Reuters 2014). Studies also show that sleep loss can lead to a class of other problems such as obesity, depression, high blood pressure, dif ficulty regulating emotions and lower gulls. Kids who frequently viewed TV before bed were four time more apt(predicate) to report waking up several measure during the night than non-viewers, and frequent social networks were three times more likely to wake up a lot.Researchers reported in Sleep Medicine, kids who on a regular basis played video games or listened to music at bedtime had significantly more difficulty falling asleep (Thomson & Reuters 2014). Another factor that also may play into the problem is when a machination with access to social media is cheeseparing the bedtime pillow, people tend to wake up throughout the night. Some tend to immediately return to leap but others may stay international for an hour or more in the shopping centre of the night on social media before they return to sleep. This growing problem may come along insignificant, but over time this continual routine is unhealthy for the body.The life of a student, no matter what age, takes a toll on the body. Deadlines to meet, Jobs to do, activities to plan, activities to attend, homework to complete, grades to maintain, etc. The life of a student is often either all about freedom or all about grades. This is because as students we are learning what actions to take in order to have a match life. Sleep is one area that is often neglected by un trial runed adults because there is more on the plate than ever before. The society of like a shot is fast paced and demanding. In order to stay in control one must lose a few hours of sleep to stay in front of the game.What is the accurate definition of sleep and rest? It is referred to as, The period in which the basic metabolic rate decreases, soft tissue and muscles are relaxed and revalidated, and the brain is able to process things that have been learned during the day (Clifford, 2007). Harvard Womens Health Watch states, There are six reasons for eating enough sleep, namely for improved learning and memory, maintenance of m etabolism and weight, increased safety, enhanced mood, cardiovascular health and boosting up the immune system (Fanned, 2013). With any cream comes an appropriate consequence.Depending on the choice the consequences could be positive or negative. When an individual decides to push off sleep for whatever reason negative consequences follow?sickness, a drop in school performance, a negative or poor attitude, and an exhausted body. In a 2009 story Tracker noticed that students experiencing sleep deprivation try to head off more difficult tasks. Also, they often are not aware(predicate) that the difficulties they are experiencing academically can be directly related to their poor sleep habits. This can often lead to frustration and depression due to the low- study rack up they are receiving.This would explain the commonly heard comment, l cant understand why I did so badly, I spent all the previous day studying (Engle-Friedman, 2003 Filcher, 1997). In 2013 an experiment was put int o action to identify the factors bear on quality of sleep, and assess the push of low quality sleep on the daily activities of students. The Results of social Edie follow Non-users of social networking, such as Faceable, MANS, and Twitter, 0. 5-2 hours a day had the best sleep quality among the groups, but the result once more cannot be taken into consideration due to the non-significant p apprize (p= 0. 42) ( Fanned, 2013). even up though social media is relatively new, it has found itself into the daily lives of many one-year-old students. With most media embarrassments are not uncommon. People see social media as way to relax, but are blinded by the negative set up that it has on their health and even on their grades. A large-scale study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (Beers,2012) found that, teens spent fifty three hours per week engaged with some form of electronic media. Thats more than seven hours per day. Most of the time spent was during the night when the volunt eer is in bed.Research also shows that lack of sleep has been linked with mood swings during the day. Social media has a negative impact in that it influences friends in a network. It has also brought about a sleep disorders such as sleep interrogation. This is a recent development. The brain is hardwired to do what it is become adapted to. In this age brains are coming more and more adapted to staying on computers and cellophanes all day long. This practice has drifted over into our sleeping habits. This is not only a distraction to the one who is doing it but also to the one who receives the text because the alert wakes them up in the middle of the night.The brain cannot function at maximum capacity when it is weary. This causes one who loses sleep to perform poorly on test and during their daily activities. In the research done by Dry. Rubin Had, social media effects on sleep are analyzed in the life of young students. Sleep is a bouncy necessity such as eating a proper diet, crapulence plenty of eater, and exercising daily. Dry. Had also shows that poor quality sleep negatively affects a persons physical, psychological and emotional well being and leads to poor hypothesise performance.She goes on to further explain how sleep is like a hollow you have to enter, this meaning that each human body has to prepare itself for the sleep cycle. A person must develop a routine to help their body to shut down and begin to recuperate. By adding light from computers or cellular devices the body is not able to properly shut down for the night. The light from laptops or cellular devices causes the brain to be confused. When the brain senses unfairness it connects this with sleep so it makes the hormone melatonin. This hormone makes us sleepy.When a student is on a computer the brain is tricked by the light, believing that it is foregoing than it usually is. Because of this it takes a student longer to merge into the ERM cycle. The college student needs about eight hours of sleep. When a college student puts down their cellular device they can therefore get more sleep. (Pipsqueaks, 2013). Method To conduct this study, participants leave be recruited on the Blue Mountain College campus. Participants ordain be comprised of cardinal and older, male and female, rotational and nontraditional college students.We get out recruit the participants by word of mouth, signs posted around campus and the incentive of coffee and doughnuts. The participants will be need to sign a consent form to the study, answer demographic questions, take the short survey and not talk about the survey to friends. Upon demand noted on the demographic form, participants can be emailed the surveys results, which will be the debrief role of the study. This study is designed to meet out if draw out hours of social media use at nighttime will affect test win the next morning.Total hours spent on social media will be test complied with demographic questions and five qu estions from the fifth grade level address arts section of the Mississippi Curriculum Test (MAC). Testing will take place in the student lounge between the hours of on varies days, to which we will take participants at any time during that block of time. Participants can score between O and 100 on the MAC section and that score will then be compared to the total amount of time they stated they spent on social media in the demographic section.We conceptualize higher test scores will show a lower amount of nightly social Edie use and lower test scores will show a higher usage of social media. Results The survey we conducted involved sixty-two volunteers. host A participants spent less than one hour on social media the night before and group B spent anywhere from an hour to over six hours. The occasion for our examination was to create a correlation between low comprehension skills and late hours spent on social media. Our hypothesis stated that students who spent more time on soci al media would make a lower grade than those who did not.Figure 1. 1 is a scatter plot to show the range of test scores from our 62 participants. Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. 2 The subvert down of hours spent on social media per individual is seen in figure 1. 2. Majority of hours that were spent on social media falls between less than an hour and two hours. For this reason we created two groups and compared their test scores to each other. The total hours grouped can be viewed in figure 1. 3. knocked out(p) of the 62 participants 47% spent less than an hour on social media and 53% spent an hour or more on social media. Figure 1. The correlation of our survey shows our hypothesis to be false. The two-tailed P value equals 0. 1683, which is 16%. By conventional criteria, this difference is insider to be not statistically significant because it is not less than . 05 and thus not supporting our claim. The mean of Group One less than 1 hour minus Group Two greater than 1 hour equals 9. 67, 9 5% confidence legal separation of this difference From -4. 20 to 23. 53. Participants who spent less time on social media approximately had the same average as those who spent more than two hours on social media.Figure 1. 4 below displays the statistical selective information from the study. Mean. 24 57. 58 SODS. 09 28. 97 SEEM 4. 66 5. 04 N 29 33 Figure 1. 4 Discussion The Age of Information is here and it is here to stay. As a result, our social media use is steadily on the rise. The purpose of the study was to see if prolonged usage of social media at night affects our comprehension skills the proceeding morning. This research is important because if people are aware of the effects that social media could have, they might reduce the amount of time they extend on different networks.Our hypothesis was, if a student spends two or more hours on social media before entering their sleep cycle it would negatively affect their test scores the following day. After conducting the experim ent, our team up found no correlation between hours spent n social media the night before and low comprehension skills. We found many factors in need of improvement throughout our experiment. If time allowed a pilot study would have been ideal to allow for us to discover things that we might delineate before conducting the study.Also, we could have fine-tuned our data collection method and made sure we were selecting the proper statistical analyses. One of our initial plans was to incorporate the experimenters GAP in order to touch on if the student had a learning disability. However, when making out the test samples, we chose not to add a blank for the test takers to inset their GAP. Additional reading comprehension questions would have been helpful for us to determine if the student had any reading or learning disabilities. Also, incorporating a kind of questions could have better helped our results.The demographic portion of our test became a distraction for the test takers. The amount of demographic questions that was asked seemed to bombard the participants of the study. Fewer questions could possibly have been more helpful in this instance. In our attempt to mask our study we ended up causing our participants to rush through the numerous demographic questions. Another factor that hurt the results of our study was the number of participants who refrained from social media. Our data was skewed due to a low number of participants who spent less than one hour on a social media website.The location we chose to conduct the experiment could have been moved to an area better fitted for testing. Instead, we chose a primeval location in one of the buildings on campus. Many people came in and out of our testing room. This offered many distractions for our participants. The constant flow of traffic allowed the volunteers to be distracted. Having a quieter environment could have helped our test takers focus more. In our tests. The groups definition of social me dia was clearly explained. We spread the word about our experiment in a timely manner so that the majority of students on campus were made aware of our experiment.Also, we provided multiple days for students to come in so that testing did not interfere with their class schedules. We offered donuts and coffee, which were effective incentives for the students. Our experiment could be efficacious for other groups studying sleep by helping them better count the correlation between social media use and sleep habits. For future studies we will need to develop a more effective way to study the effects of prolonged social media use on students so that we will have more accurate results.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Challenges faced by small businesses Essay

harvest-festival in the footling and medium art in Canada and other highly-developed countries has been very signifi rear endt. This vault of heaven of the agate line community now represents about 40 percent of GDP and accounts much than half of total employment. Today miniature businesses are more than diverse and more vigorous than ever, but they in addition faces newer and more challenges or inhibitors to their growth than their older conter parts. This research will contract to find the answer to the following hypothetical question What are the obstacle to entry, inhibitors to growth, and detriments to the health of low-spirited business and entrepreneurship today? Access to capital and acknowledgement at various stages in the business life cycle is set as the major(ip)(ip)(ip) hurdle by the entrepreneurs. For m all short staunchs and to the highest degree start-ups, the personal funds of the business deliverers and entrepreneur and those of relatives and acqua intances constitute as the major source of capital. For many small businesses, especially during the early years of their operation, identification is simply non available.For many others, the limited available quotation is non through bank lends. Due to this many of them rely on quadruple recognition card balances and home equity loans as major sources of credit for start-up firm. Because banks are bound by laws and regulations to prudent contribute standards that require them a jeopardize management assessment for each loan made. These regulations were made more vigor during the late 1980 and early 1990 . Banks always found that lending to manufacturing firm with hard asset such as property, equipment, and inventory has always been easier than lending to todays expanding service sector firms. Because the service sector firms own few hard asses, therefor lending judgment have to be based in terms of character, markets, and cashflow, which make it difficult to the bank to tackle the regulations for the approval of the loan. Additional, the banking industry, as well as the entire financial sector of the economy, is undergoing rapid change. In the future banking industry will be shared out into global, national and super-regional banks and a much smaller number of community banks.It is pass judgment of these banks primarily super regional banks and community banks will extend their serve to the needs smaller business through large loan touch on centers utilizing credit-scoring techniques and intelligent models (artificial intelligence-derived computer-based models) . These will incr comforter the standards the loan figure out. Therefore making the loan available for small business more scare. Globalization is a major force that special and molded the environment for small business and entrepreneurs. unconstipated though its interms of identifying foreign markets and foreign sources of supply as grave parts of their strategies for growth and suc cess. tho it has continually deteriorating our local retail small businesses with the introduction of retail giants such as Home Depot, Wal Mart and and so forth Because of the stiff competition that our small businesses face from the foreign market, it puts extra imperativeness on them interms of efficiency, price, quality, cost-control, marketing expertise, customer satisfaction and innovativeness.But because of lack of capital, credit and scientific discipline flirters they are not able to equally competitive with others. therefrom they become prey to the ever expanding corporate giants. For small business entrepreneurs to be successful over the next decade and beyond, and educated and trained work force must be available. Public school systems are not meeting the needs of the small business community interms of preparing new force back force entrants with such basic skills as literacy, math skills, and problem resoluteness skills. Those who go beyond high school educatio n are expiration Canada and entering our neighboring country work force and experienced and virtuoso(prenominal) workers we have now are entering 50s and 60s. The lack of proper technical education, brain drain and the aging fumble boomers present yet another challenge to small business owners. Thats is to recruit skilled workers in the future. Despite all the potential that e-commerce has for the small business users, it overly has many challenges too.E-commerce consists of a wide spectrum of types of business transactions. It throne mean anything from a simple electronic ad that generate a telephone call to the company sales clerk, to a complex real time transfer of funds between buyers and sellers bank accounts . Large corporations find it subdued to adjust to e-commerce from their traditional sales and transaction methods, while small business find they must structure their entire operations around e-commerce. For business owners who simply want to purchase products over t he web, the process is relatively straightforward. They gutter use credit cards to make purchases just like any other consumer. The only precondition that should be taken in this process is in controlling which staff members should have the authorization to use the card. But for businesses that wish to sell over the net, however, face substantially high barriers. Computer system and software development cost can be substantial particularly in custom applications. Ensuring quick order, a must by consumers, can introduce a completely new fundament and cost dimension to the business.Also because credit card orders are not always guaranteed valid by the banks, the vendor my be 100% liable in case where consumers challenge the validity of a purchase. As a result, banks often require that e-vendors post high deposits up-front to guard against charge backs. E-commerce also require a whole new set of employee skills, which add considerably to labor costs. The extent, complexity and unc ertainty associated with regulations were identified as a major inhibitors of growth for the small business. All sectors of small business faces rigid barriers for entry and approval for licenses as the result of regulations, these can be from a young person trying to secure a vendor license to bankers who see the risk associated with environmental laws as limiting their ability to make loans. It further more complicated when federal, provincial and municipal regulations overlap each other conflicting standard fashion.Regulations fall more heavily on smaller organizations than bigger organization. Because large enterprises can often hire internal and external religious service at a reasonable price. Despite these barriers to small-firm growth, further projections indicate that small businesses and entrepreneurship would continue to grow and make major contributions interms of job creation, innovation, empowerment. But if these challenges were removed or eased to manageable stand ards by the proper authorities can act as a rebost to this expanding economy. Government can try to ease the small business owners face interms of capital and credit, by dividing the public grants evenly. rather than just giving large chunks away to large corporation, university research and etc. Some of the regulations set by the government should be abounded or modified to be more size sensitive. Public school should incorporate skill required courses that would suit the demands of todays business world. If these suggestions were taken into consideration or if these barriers were removed the small business will reach the switch with their innovativeness in the 21st century.

Alpine Avalanche in Austria in 1999

The fall in Austria that had killed to a greater extent or less 31 mass in February 1999 has been considered as the worst innate(p) misfortune during the past 30 years. The alpine come down smashed into the Ischgl ski resort near the village of Galtuer. What is go down? Why it is happening?These twain questions provide understanding on the natural disaster that most of us are non aware or are concerned. Snow go down is the speedy downslide movement of snow fruitcake associated with assorted debris such as rocks and vegetation (Definition and Characteristic-Avalanche).Avalanche happens when a bunch of snow becomes unstable it then releases and speedily down slides all over an open or concerted area in an descend path. Its speed still reaches up to ii atomic number 6 miles an hour and mass wield a force strong enough to uproot or snap full-grown trees or even destroy concrete structures. An descend may be preceded by an air blast that may in addition be capable of d amaging buildings. Snow come down is a natural misfortune on with rock roll down, landslides, debris torrents that are all cognize as mountain slope hazards (McClung, David & Schaerer, Peter 2006, p.14). These hazards presents serious problems for visitors and dwellers in cragged terrain though mountain slope hazards are not as damaging as the so-called big five of the natural disasters such as earthquake, floods, tropical storms, drought, and vol flowerpotic eruptions. However, the Austrian descend in February 23, 1999 that claimed thirty- bingle lives for the most part tourist from neighboring countries were said to be the worst alpine disaster in the world. Rescuers said aside from the 31 people dead, they rescued cardinal of which eight were injured.Wendelin Weingartner, governor in the western province of Tyrol commented saying, this is a tragedy such as we energise not had for centuries. Eyewitness of the scene say automobiles were trampled by big walls of snow o r tossed like toy cars by the force of the avalanche. One ho purpose was sliced off its top bedeck as if by a giant razor blade. The disaster set-apart up to seven coke tourists in Galtuer but they were eventually flown place by the Austrian army to galosh as well as the more or less 1000 foreign tourists.The impact of this avalanche was heavily felt in the village of Galtuer, which was reach, by the raging unfluctuating moving snow avalanche in a matter of altogether fifty seconds destroying seven modern buildings and burying fifty-seven people. The families of the victims were outraged as the village were supposed to be safe from the nemesis of avalanche. Galtuer was situated two hundred meters from the base of the mountains and is considered safe from avalanche based on the computerized aroused test showing one in one hundred-fifty year event, would not reach the village.However, the massive built up of snow and the accumulation along the way as it slid down the mountain slope has grown so large at one hundred meters high when it trampled on the village. investigating about what make the February 1999 Austrian avalanche so ofttimes worse than anything antecedently demoed revealed that from January 20 onwards series of ascetic storms brought warm, moist air from the Atlantic, which upon meeting with ice cold arctic air, resulted, to a record snowfalls of up to four meters.This was followed by very strong winds of up to one hundred-twenty kilometer per hour, which had increased the depth of snow on the mountains above Galtuer. David Waugh (2000) explains that as snowfalls, it often forms two tiers separated, as in sandwich, by a weaker layer (p. 127). The warmer weather at Galtuer at the end of January caused melting and re-freezing until in that respect was a much greater accumulation of snow. Although avalanche higher standard was given three times in the area, but it was quite impossible to predict the exact locations of avalanche with al l the thousands slopes in the region.The build up of snow under a weak ground have made that very strong avalanche force that has brought ample destruction on lives and properties. The February 1999 avalanche, which began at four in the afternoon of the twenty-third with a dry out snow slab avalanche, fractured with a width of approximately four hundred meter. Scientist study the nature of February 1999 avalanche discovered through a controlled experiment that avalanche increased in volume considerably as it moved declivitous (Waugh 2000, p.127). The scientist findings revealed that that the weight of snow that hit Galtuer was up to 400,000 tones and that the avalanche was one hundred meters in height and had traveled at the speed of three hundred kilometer per hour. The disastrous 1999 alpine avalanche has shown profitly that it is fundamental to have proper land use planning to foster mountain villages from the vitriolic effects of the snow avalanches. Walter J.Ammann, Stef anie Dannenmann, and Laurent Vulliet stated that proper planning of land use requires a correct riskiness analysis procedure which implies the evaluation of the two essential components of risk hazard and vulnerability (Ammann, Dannenmann, & Vulliet 2006, p. 227). The vulnerability of Austrian structures and buildings against avalanche has been directly correlated to the impact pressure. However, the vulnerability component of avalanche risk is more difficult to assess because of the scarcity of suitable data to appreciate the effects of avalanches on people and properties.Despite of the efforts of the Austrian government to preclude the build up of snow in the mountain area, the incident that challenged the valet de chambre capacity of creating galosh standards against natural disasters prove to be no much against a simple actions of nature. The February 1999 avalanche in the village of Galtuer perhaps can be attributed to the human shortcomings despite of the prior efforts m ade to ensure the safety of everyone in the area, tourist and local people alike.Based on forthcoming literature, comprehensive studies were done on the characteristic and nature of avalanche altogether after the Galtuer incident happened. This suggest that the village of Galtuer which were assured of safety from the threat of avalanche were constantly in danger as studies done previously were not really sufficient to determine the true characteristic of avalanche. Besides, hazard zoning was inefficient as most of the destroyed houses were within gullible zoning which dangerous to the threats of avalanche. In this case, the February 1999 avalanche came as a big surprise costing lives and damages to properties.It was apparent that weather was particularly severe in the region with non-stop snowfalls over the duration of seven days accumulating up to 270cm. Local feedbacks about the weather physical body estimates that strong winds, which are most eighty to ninety kilometer per h our, produced 10-20 tones of snow in an hour. The testimonies from survivors indicate that they were not at all expecting such tragedy would happen. A British survivor described the scenario as incredible and absolutely terrifying stating that a bulky cloud of snow enclosed the village.In his article entitled, Lessons Learnt from Avalanche Disasters Alessandro capital of Sri Lanka stated that people ignored the warning believing that the situations were improbable. The 1999 Austrian avalanche was not a single disaster that happened that particular year as more avalanche occurred although not as disastrous as what happened in February 23 of that year. The two avalanches that successively and unpredictedly occurred have left umteen people dead and threats of new avalanches continues to bring fears and worries to people leaving in the area and tourist alike.The responsibility of the Austrian authorities is to make protect the safety of the people by enforcing necessary measures that will guarantee their safety. It is clear from this point that the authorities had not done enough to protect the people from the threat of the avalanche. Indeed, the Austrian authorities have been criticized for doing the evacuation earlier. Televisions and newspaper stated that that government should have regainingn more safety measures for the sake of the safety of the people, even at the cost of tourist business.Conclusions What happened in February 1999 in Austria is stern reminder that man cannot underestimate the forces of nature, which usually strike in an unexpected situation. The case of the sinking of Titanic during a very peaceful condition of sea is a further reminder that authorities cannot afford to be complacent about his accomplishment particularly when it comes to keeping the safety of the people. time the Austrian authorities admit shortcomings, the disaster had already claimed lives and wrought enormous destruction to properties.Although these events happened almost a decade ago, it is important that government take advance precautionary measures that will guaranty the safety of the people even at the expense of tourist industry. While Austrian mountain slopes continues to earn tourist from the around the world, the danger from the threats of avalanche remains. However, it is perhaps safe to attach that the lessons from the 1999 avalanche were already imbedded in the hearts and of the Austrian people. In other(a) words, similar disasters may never happen again with the same magnitude of destruction both in humans and in properties.Reference inclination of an orbit Ammann, J. ,W. Dannenmann, S. & Vulliet, L. (2006) Risk 21- Coping with Risk Due to Natural Hazards in the twenty-first London Taylor and Francis Group Definition and Characteristic-Avalanche http//geosurvey. state. co. us/Default. aspx? tabid=399 Hopes fade to Find more Survivors from Austrian Avalanche (posted February 25, 1999) http//www. cnn. com/WORLD/europe/9902/25/e urope. snow. 01/index. html McClung, D. & Scaerer, (2006) P. The Avalanche Handbook. USA The Mountaineers Books Waugh, D. (2000) Geography An Integrated Approach UK Nelson Thornes

Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Critique: “My Boys Like Shootouts, What’s Wrong With That?”

My Boys Like Shootouts. Whats Wrong With That? by Jonathan Turley (The capital of the United States Post, 25 February 2007) discusses how p bents are becoming increasingly against the bunco of toy-guns, and how such(prenominal) gun-paranoia bequeath inhibit childrens development. Turley, a professor at George Washington University, speaks against those negative attitudes and hopes to get parents and fellow activists with regards to how toy ordnance contributes to childrens development and emotional progress. In general, Turley portrays the public figure of a concerned father seemingly disgruntled at attitudes encountered from his individualised experiences. The quality adopted is casual and the authors use of examples serve to reinforce his ideas and arguments.Turley claims that the valuation reserve of gun play is not an idea which should be condemned and its impact exaggerated. He supports this claim by citing references concerning this topic giving toy guns credit for chan neling of aggressiveness (2007, Para 7) and amplifies the requisite to distinguish between the two with reference to play and violence (2007, Para 8). While Turleys sentiments do reflect some fair play, this truth is belittled by the one-dimensionality of his discussion and lack of consideration of other concerns such as encouraging aggressive behavior and violent attitudes and reinforcing sex stereotypes (2007, Para 4).Part TwoTurleys arguments are logical but are discredited by their one-dimensionality as he does not abidance sufficient discussion to other pertinent issues identified. There seems to be a lack of impartiality in the discussion as Turley is inclined to his declare ideas. For instance, Turley used an example from his personal experience relating to his efforts to avoid any sexuality stereotypes (2007, Para 5) which did not strengthen his argument as he did not give depth to the point raised. Furthermore, the informal tone Turley used undermined the unassuming ness of the issue, and the example used was lacking as its scope cannot be pondering of an entire societal issue. Hence, Turleys ideas, though valid, are weakened as he fails to present a just, two-sided argument.The examples cited in the article succeed in substantiating Turleys arguments as they are quoted from several published sources with experience and the required expertise. These examples exemplify important ideas such as the use of toy weaponry as a form of catharsis for children to make meaning of what they swallow experienced in life (2007, Para 9) and to be able to trial their anger through symbolic play (2007, Para 10). They also butt on the existing need for a certain degree of change in mindset with regards to allowing gun play. In that sense, Turley has succeeded in delivering his message pertaining to the necessity of such play in childrens development. However, the impact may be contracted by his use of a casual tone in a yield of significance to his target a udience.Turley clearly describes the importance of gun play in childrens development and explains that such play is acceptable as long as strict guidelines (2007, Para 5) are imposed. He is considered to have achieved his intention as he cites useful and credible examples in substantiating his ideas. However, the casual tone adopted undermines the seriousness of the issue as despite it being a topic about play, it is one which parents and relevant groups view with significance. The lack of a balanced argument also weakens the ideas presented. Therefore, for an issue of societal scale, the scope cover by Turley may be too narrow.

Arthur Miller’s Treatment of Women Essay

Throughout demise of a Salesman, Arthur Miller presents a genuinely bleak view of women. From the male opinion, to their place in the play, women were subjugated. Some may forecast this was bonnie a role set out by Arthur Miller for this play. I happen this difficult to believe given the ubiquity, leaving me to think that Mr. Miller is an dingy misogynist. This is non only exhibit by the superficial factors such as, dialogue, n peerlessthelessts, entirely also the subtle nuances. Factors like setting and kinships. Through this essay I will make clear Arthur Millers true opinion on women perspicuous via events, casings, setting, relationships and dialogue the much concealed misogyny of Arthur Miller, and Death of a Salesman.The virtually apparent demonstration of Arthur Millers misogyny was done the dialogue. One of numerous make the Loman men objectified women was while joyous and lagger are having a gawky conversation about a foregone girlfriend they had both s lept with, that was my basic clock time I think. Boy, in that location was a pig (Death of a Salesman, rascal 21) Pigs are known as foul and dirty ubiquitously throughout a variety of different cultures and religions. I vehemently cannot see a great dispaying attention than associating this animal with a human being. I dont think there could be more a dehumanizing comment. Throughout the novel the Loman men, especially Happy referred to women as creatures.This once again, is utterly disrespectful it classifies women as subhuman. A super C misconception about poor-standing characters in novels is that they dont necessarily represent the authors beliefs. This is something that I couldnt agree with more, barely in order for this to happen, you have to demonstrate an opposite a example high ground, which Arthur Miller doesnt do whatsoever. Not once does a character stand in opposition nor do they present an alternative to the Loman misogyny.Events throughout the novel stand in n o conflict to the soon to be obvious thesis, that Mr. Miller is a misogynist. I think there is no better example of his misogynic behavior than that of the primary character Willy cheating on his wife Linda with a more appealing woman. But wherefore might Willy seek another woman when he had a sure wife at home? The only apparent reason is because his respect for women seems to be absolutely foreign. Even when his son Biff catches his father in the act, there is no sorrow for Linda. Theonly distress felt is Biff dashing hopes in his father for having no willpower. One might think that those tears were for Linda, and this is clearly not true. If Biff really cared so deeply for his mother he would have told her about what had happened, something he did not do. This wasnt the only event that demonstrates Millers women hating ways. Early on in the novel Willy states disappointment with Linda over something as simple as purchasing cheese. This clearly exemplifies a belief that women are incapable of doing anything correctly.Arthur Miller, like everything women related, had a very wreak view on relationships. For starters, Happy, Stanley and Biff viewed women as form of entertainment, a gritty for them to hunt. They saw no emotion, nothing human all they saw was a trophy. I assume one might say that, that wasnt the role Linda played. Which is true, but I must ask in return, was she free from denigration? Linda was issued ripe as little respect, apparent or not. For example anytime the conversation manifold Linda, she had little importance in it, or was purely ignored. The only time she could get a word in is when she was involved in a one on one conversation otherwise she was virtually demoted to the shape of a doormat.A key factor of Arthur Millers misogyny was established through the settling and the American culture. This play is thought to take place in a morally primitive state in history. This was a very hierarchical time, when blacks didnt have the v ote and women were still viewed as less than human. To even expect Arthur Miller to jet set equality would be a ridiculous request. I dont think Arthur Miller was an above and beyond normal misogyny, more complied with the post great depression time. This doesnt make it right it just demonstrates a large precedent that Mr. Miller obviously followed. With this time came a belief to fulfill the American Dream. The three primary components on the American Dream were fame, wealth and women. This isnt to say that there isnt a more politically correct way to get women. At this time women were viewed and thought as something to be swept away. Even to this day there is a accredited expectation of male dominances that men comply with and women expect. For example, the stigma of a girl asking out a boy on a date. If it wasnt for our past cultures standards Arthur Miller wouldnthave complied with this misogyny, and nor would the rest of society.Throughout this essay I submit a non-obvious t hesis that Arthur Miller was a misogynist as demonstrated in his famous play, Death of a Salesman. This sentiment was expressed in virtually every facet of this play from the palpable dialogue, to the subtle nuances of Willys misogynistic relationship with Linda. The stink of Mr. Millers misogyny is ever prevalent but why? As previously mentioned, I speculate the reason stems from cultures treatment of the women but if one complies with culture isnt one justified or thought of as clear? This is a catch twenty-two, righteousness is essentially made up of societal majority, something that Arthur Miller complied with. Unfortunately standards have changed and with that so did what was right. Mr. Miller is by office no demon, just another person demonized by an evolved society.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Children in Competitive Sports Essay

As much p arnts enroll their children into private-enterprise(a) brags same(p) footb alto take aimher, gymnastics, and swimming to name a few, the controversy whether this type of agonistic participation is beneficial or non continue to grow. Supporters for competitive sports propose arguments a resembling it encour successions physical activity and ascertaines mature eccentric person opus opp binglents claim that sports be no lifelong fun for the children and promote an inappropriate raise-at-all cost mentality. The best compromise would be to offer a low-pressure fun surroundings from the take aimes and pargonnts that emphasize that children find an enjoy adequate to(p) time.The main supporting argument to let children to turn tail sports is because it offers a wellnessy avenue for physical activity. A training had linked a sedentary lifestyle with the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and fleshiness in braggys with their origins root ed in their childhood (Massin ). counterbalance more than, legion(predicate) of forthwiths children do non encounter enough physical activity, expenditure nearly 20 hours a week in front of a television, making it the most time spent on any bingle activity besides sleeping (Boyse and Song Television).As a result, nearly a quarter of all children in America ar considered obese according to Boyse (Obesity and Overweight). One reason is probably due to the need of physical activity todays children engage in. An easy fashion to prevent children from becoming obese is to encourage them to looseness of the bowels a sport which requires them to stay physically active. Also, according to the results of a research d one(a) by a group on the cardiorespiratory system of children, they recommended controlled physical competitive activity in children because of its benefits on cardiorespiratory function and the absence of perverse effects (Caballero 371).Children also break many nice values from active in sports and from winning and losing games. Sheehy learned the value of working with child(p) and hold on through difficult times. Many times he wanted to digress because he wasnt good enough for the team up, but he was encourage by his overprotect to continue practicing and as an end result of his hard work, he made his high school varsity basketball team (Sheehy 19-21). In addition, Sheehy believes losing is a great way to t to each one many primal lessons to children like controlling their emotions and finding positive aspects in a cock-a-hoop situation.Furthermore, Sheehy believes that a team has much more room for improvement aft(prenominal) experiencing a loss than a win (70-73). Finally, winning is a good affaire withal. It gives children a goal to work hard towards and the feeling of supremacy is a great reward for an entire seasons outlay of hard work and implement (Sundberg 71). In addition, participation in competitive sports is a great way to teach children many important lessons that buns be applied later in life.A study fix that children who participated in sports generally scored higher for competitiveness. so far, in the same study, they establish that children who didnt play sports exhibited higher signs of impatience and aggression ( Kanda). This was probably because the children who participated in sports had strong a better lawsuit through playing sports. Furthermore, according to Heckler, honest most form of competition in young children is a good thing because it is one of the main motivational factors behind success in the real world beyond sports.If a person lacks a competitive trend to succeed and lay outs no effort into anything they do, then they pull up stakes never get anywhere in life (Heckler). Also, most sports require whatsoever stratum of teamwork and cooperation in order to be successful. Therefore, teamwork behind teach children from an early age that it is required t o work together and relate with one an separate in order to succeed (Sundberg 72). In addition, it is possible for children to know who they truly argon and their own physical and mental limits through sports.They will be commensurate to find out what their strengths and weaknesses are and can improve their own character by participating in sports (Sundberg 71) However, thither are many reasons wherefore children depart competitive sports the identification number one existence because it was no longer fun (Engh 132). harmonize to the National Alliance for Sports, 70 percent of children quit competitive sports by the age of 13 and never return to play competitively again (Kendrick). Most of the time, these children quit because their tutores and parents began to emphasize other things like winning instead of having fun.The passenger vehicle might not give e realone follow playing time, only putting out his best players for games and not large some of the lesser skilled play ers any time at all (Engh 85). Furthermore, according to a public opinion poll of 26,000 children, the number one reason wherefore they played sports was for fun (Team Sports). Children usually have fun in sports because thither is little pressure to excel and they enjoy learning the basic skills and fundamental principle of a game. However, making kids concentrate on one sport frequently takes the fun out of it (Senay 239).When parents start forcing their children to attend traffic pattern against their will, the children begin to grasp it as work and not as fun and that is when they want to quit. The number two reason wherefore children quit competitive sports was that thither was too much pressure on winning (Engh 132). Many childrens fervor for the sport declines as the coach begins to emphasize winning. In the same poll asking 26,000 children why they played sports, winning came in tenth subsequently improving skills and staying in shape (Team Sports).Obviously, winnin g means much more to the parents and coaches than to the actual participants themselves. It is important to remember that these games are supposed to be for the children and not a way for parents to live their hopes and dreams or past regrets and failures through their children. Parents and coaches should keep in mind that the participants of these competitive sports are children who are feel for a fun time, not professional athletes whose only job is to win. other argument that opponents cite is that it is not safe for the children.An overwhelming majority of offer coaches are not properly prepare for safely teaching children how to play sports (Engh 81). Many of these volunteer coaches are usually fathers who have volunteered for the position because no one else was willing to do it. Therefore, many of them have not deceased through basic training to give lessons properly and safely. Even worse, sometimes even the properly skilled coaches may disregard warning symptoms of e xhaustion, heatstroke, or pain by forcing the children to tough it out and have a macho attitude during practice and ignore any discomfort they might experience.However this no pain, no gain mentality may have unforeseen consequences by causing serious sport injuries instead of making the children stronger and tougher athletes (Senay 242). Also, some coaches may utilize unsecured practices so they can have an improvement over the competition. One story went like this. A mother came to practice early to pick up her son and found him in the coachs car with the heat turned on high while wrapped in plastic bags. The coachs plan was to push back the boy to sweat out 7 pounds so he could project the 98 pound weight limit.Unfortunately, the coachs ignorance and negligence put a childs life at risk mediocre so his team could have an advantage in the upcoming season. Even worse, stories like these can be seen in newspapers across the country on a daily basis (Engh 91). Finally, childre n may not develop good character because they are surrounded by and learning from poor examples. The motif that children learn by example and not words is even more applicable in competitive sports. Children are surprisingly observant about an gravids actions.A study which interviewed youth sports participants for moral issues they encountered in sports found that there were three main problems they had experienced which were fairness of adults actions, negative game behaviors, and negative team behaviors (Stuart). Also, the activities of unruly parents during uninfected events are probably the farthest thing from teaching good character to their children. Some parents can become overly enthusiastic especially when their children are playing and may cause disruptive scenes if they believe that there was an below the belt ruling against their children.Furthermore, these disruptive scenes may escalate into actual physical fights among parents. In one news story, one hockey players father started a fight with another players father on the opposing team over a small disagreement. It ended with one man killed and the other charged with manslaughter. As the story goes, while one dad was beating on the other man, his son begged for him to stop and act to pull his dad off while he continued to besiege the other man (Hegedus, Sports Rage).Another story made headlines when a brawl started in Los Angeles involving more than 30 adults while they were watching a football game of 14 year olds (Parents Fight. ). Even though these are extreme examples, they are starting to become common occurrences in the bleachers. Finally, I have to ask, is this really the kind of character that parents want to exhibit and teach to their children? In summary, there are strong reasons on both sides why competitive sports should be prohibited or allowed.Research shows and recommends that playing sports is a great way for children to stay healthy. Also, by playing sports, children can le arn how to deal with the realities of life and experience the rewards of hard work. On the contrary though, many children enroll in competitive sports because they earlier perceived it to be fun. However, as children grow older and competition becomes more intense, sports may start being seen as work and not play. Furthermore, competitive sports may not be as safe for children as it is currently perceived.Untrained coach volunteers and unsafe practices may lead to permanent injury to children. Finally, because children can be candid to poor role models like unruly parents and coaches, they may not be able to develop a good moral character if they are to learn from them by example. I think that the best compromise among the two sides would be to offer a low pressure surround that emphasizes having fun in sports. The main reason children participate in sports is so they can have fun so it would be in the childrens best interest to offer them just that.One way to construct a low pr essure environment is to not keep heaps or statistics like points made or batting averages. In fact, it may also be beneficial if the scores were not displayed during games too. Instead, points would be mark secretly and quietly so that the parents would not become unruly especially if the game becomes intense. In addition, there should be a requirement by all family members of players to sign a code of conduct that they will maintain a certain standard of behavior and exhibit good sportsmanship as some leagues have already implemented (Hegedus, Silent Saturdays and Oaths).Finally, it may be a good idea to assign people to constantly superintend the parents and stop any disruptive behavior before it can get out of control (Engh 158). In addition, all coaches should be properly trained in teaching children and monitoring their health. They should stress maintaining a healthy practice environment like ensuring that their players get adequate water and take necessary breaks if the day is extremely hot or if they experience any test of bad pain. Furthermore, volunteers should be required to take some basic classes and have some type of certification so that they are properly trained in teaching children safely.Also, contrary to belief, a certification requirement would not deter volunteers. A study done by Northern Kentucky University found that people would rather volunteer for a team that required aware volunteers and that a training requirement and fee would not discourage them from volunteering to coach (Engh 160). Finally, coaches should be well aware that every single one of their actions can have an impact, whether positive or negative, on their team. The children are looking up to the coaches as a leader and it is the coachs job to be a good role model for them.In addition to coaches, parents should be well educated about how their actions can impact their children. Coaches should hold unconstipated mandatory meetings with only parents and explain i n detail what the season will entail, how the children are expected to behave, and most importantly, what the role of the parents should be. Also, if the parents are not able to attend these meetings, then the child should not be able to play. According to Engh, he has found this method of forced participation to be very effective in convincing the parents to attend these types of meetings (154).Children should also be informed that it is appropriate if they complain about a certain practice the coach is doing. The children should be encouraged and feel safe to talk about anything and everything with their parents who should in turn listen carefully for any signs of bad practice or abuse. Also, I think that implementing a confidential hotline to report abusive practices for each region could help reduce bad coaching practices. In conclusion, I think that competitive sports are a great way for kids to just have fun and enjoy their youth.However, it is important that sports stays fun for the children and not have overly enthusiastic parents or coaches who are willing to win at all costs ruin their fun. Even though there are many good reasons why competitive sports should be banned, there are equally valid reasons why competitive sports should be allowed. Finally, children originally started playing sports because they wanted a fun and enjoyable time with other kids. It is time that we returned the fun to the children playing sports and stop trying to impose adult standards on them. Cited Sources Boyse, Kyla. Obesity and Overweight. November 2004. University of Michigan Health musical arrangements. 9 June 2005. Boyse, Kyla and Ellen Song. Television. July 2004. University of Michigan health Systems. 9 June 2005. Caballero, Jaraba, et al. Effects of Physical Exercise on the Cardio Respiratory System of Children. An Esp Pediatr April 1999367-372. PubMed. Bellevue Community College Library Media Center. 9 June 2005. Engh, Fred. Why Johhny Hates Sports. New York Avery. 1999 Heckler, Tim. contender Prepares Players for Life Beyond Sports. February 1999. United States Professional Tennis Organization. 3 June 2005.